Retaining Wall Weep Holes

Retaining Wall Weep Holes

Drainage Outlets Retaining walls should be equipped with a crucial feature known as weep holes. These small openings play a pivotal role in the proper functioning and structural integrity of these constructions. Weep holes serve as essential drainage outlets, allowing the controlled release of excess water that may accumulate behind the wall or within the…

brick wall - support bracket

Support Brackets

Brick wall support ties or brackets are crucial components in creating a solid bond between your brickwork and the underlying structure. They strengthen and increase the dependability of your wall by adding additional stability, protecting it from potential threats and guaranteeing its long-term structural integrity. Brick wall support brackets or ties are essential for ensuring…

100 year old brick wall


The majority of the brick wall is constructed with over 100-year-old bricks that were salvaged when two chimneys were removed from the house. The area in front of the concrete retaining wall needed to be cleared first. The old bricks all vary a little in size so the first three rows of bricks are cement…